Talia Lichtstein

Talia Lichtstein is a rapidly growing online personality known for her blunt honesty, vlog-style documentation of her chaotic early 20s lifestyle, and unapologetic “hot takes” on everything from pop culture to politics. She is frequently referred to as “Gen Z-bowitz” for articulating what most feel they can’t say out loud. Talia has garnered more than 1.1 million TikTok followers and a total of 46 million likes over the span of five months, and is currently growing at an average of 10K new followers per day and 1-2 million individual likes per week on the app. She is best known for starting the “spread negativity” trend, having initially gone viral for matter-of-factly listing people, places, and things she hates and encouraging others to do the same. Most recently, she’s become known for vlogging her first dates in New York City – a theme she hopes to further explore.

Talia’s latest projects include a weekly podcast with Betches Media titled “Bad Vibes” (launching in February 2022) and a 3x weekly mobile talk show on Snapchat Discover titled “The Influence”. “The Influence” is Doing Things Media’s fastest-growing Snapchat project to date, with more than 40K subscribers and an average of 400K unique impressions per episode.

Past and in-progress brand collaborations include T-Mobile, Princess Polly, Warner Brothers, Curology, Casetify, Nate App, These Glasses, Universal Music, and Free People.

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